Wed. Feb 26th, 2025

Search pan card number by acknowledgement – In today’s article, we are going to know that if your PAN card is lost or if your PAN card does not come, then how can you get the PAN card number?

In today’s time, PAN card has become an important part of our life, PAN card is demanded for every important work, if you are doing any small business then you must have PAN card, if you want to open a new bank account. PAN card is required even if you are thinking of getting it opened, in today’s time the demand for PAN card has increased everywhere, in such a situation, if you do not have a PAN card then you face a lot of problems.

Today we will try our best to tell you that how you can find PAN card number, we will tell you how to find PAN card number by PAN card receipt number or by application number, how to find PAN card number by name and date of birth. He will also tell.

How to know pan card number by acknowledgement

If you have made your PAN card from NSDL / UTI, then you can easily extract the PAN card number from the acknowledgment number-

If your PAN card is made from NSDL, then you will have to get the full PAN number of your PAN card from the official website of NSDL, how to get the PAN number, which link will come out, its information can be seen under the name of NSDL PAN Receipt se PAN Number Search will go.

If your PAN card is made from UTIITSL, then the complete PAN card number will be removed very easily, for this you will have to do UTI PAN Card Agent Portal Login, from which you can remove the PAN number, but which does not have UTI PAN Card Agent Portal Login ID. If so, how to get it, I have come up with a link from where you can easily get the complete PAN number without User ID, its complete information can be seen below under the name of UTI PAN Number.

How to Search Pan Number by NSDL Acknowledgement Slip

If your PAN card is made up of NSDL, And you have NSDL Acknowledgment then how can you extract full pan number from sdal acknowledgment number Its process is given below step by step –

Step 1:- First of all you have to click on this link to get PAN number.

Step 2: – Then the website of NSDL opens in front of you, here you will not see the option to enter the acknowledgment number, now you have to tick the option with Acknowledgment Number.

Step 3:- Enter the NSDL Acknowledgment Number in Acknowledgment Number*, select only the month of date of birth in Month of Birth, select the year of date of birth in Year of Birth and proceed further.

Step 4: – As we have already entered the acknowledgment number and month and year in advance, now we have to enter same to same code which is coming in the image in the blank box below, only after that you click on Submit Button do.

Step 5: – As you click on Submit Button and all the data is correct then the data like the image given above will come in front of you, in which you will get to see Full PAN Number.

Step 6:- If you do not get to see this screen, then some error will be told in front of you, you can get two types of error, first – it can say that the month and year of your date of birth is wrong, second is your PAN card Right now UTIITSL or E-filling is made, so you cannot check PAN number from NSDL website.


UTI Pan Search By Coupon Number

If your PAN card is made from UTI, then how can you find the PAN card number from UTI Coupon Number, follow the steps given below to search UTI PAN Number –

Step 1:- If you want to know your PAN number, there is no online option, you can find out by calling UTIITSL PAN card toll free number “+91 33 40802999, 033 40802999“, tell them that I have not received my PAN number and it has not come to my home either, please tell me the PAN card number by PAN card coupon number, if you request so, they will be ready to tell the PAN number, you should talk as an applicant yourself, PAN agent will not tell it.

Step 2: – You will get to see such a look in front of you, now you have to select UTI Option from Select the Platform Of PAN.

Step 3:- As we are going to search the PAN Number of UTI PAN Card, so we have selected PAN Application of UTIITSL in Select the Platform of PAN, as you can see.

Step 4:- Enter the Coupon Number or Token Number or Acknowledgment Number in “Enter PAN Application Number” which you will get to see on the UTI Receipt.

Step 5:- In this format “DD-MM-YYYY” you have to enter the date of birth of the PAN card holder, if you try to enter wrong date of birth then you will get to see the error.

Step 6:- As we have entered the PAN application number and date of birth, and have accepted all the term conditions, click on the View Status Button which is in the last.

Step 7: – Then the status of the PAN card appears in front of you, in which you get to see the full PAN card number of the PAN card.

Step 8: – Here you also get to see the PAN Status, so that you can know what is the status of your PAN card.

Step 9:- Here you are also told the courier number of PAN card, so that you can track the parcel with the courier number of your PAN card, to truck your PAN card parcel You can visit this website.

Hope you have come to check full pan number from pan card acknowledgment number, if you like this post then comment and follow us, thank you

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